In 1992 I began an educational journey that has awarded
me with an A.A. in Music, a B.A. in Philosophy and a M.S. in Education. Combining these three academic disciplines, I believe,
allows me insight into the application of aesthetic theory. Of course, I may be way off the mark but the students I have worked
with, using an aesthetic model of education, have been met with success and an increase in a positive attitude towards their
personal educational experiences.
A Case Study
Using lryic writing, recording, videography with at-risk students
High Scool students working in the studio |
The creative expressive arts program I
have developed centers around basic literacy, music and strategies on how to create and resolve themes. It incorporates learning
theories such as Constructivism and the Cognitive model. I work with the students
on identifying problems, or themes and writing song lyric from the content developed. We also analyze the students favorite
songs by the artist of their choice. It takes several weeks to get the students to the point were they feel comfortable with
the free learning atmosphere. When, collectively, the students feel ready to record, we then go to the recording studio and
experiment. When the audio is complete, the students are then given a video camera to collect content relevant to the lyric.
After a week of collecting raw video data, we then take go to a video editing bay. The students then learn how to cut and
splice video with the original audio track recorded earlier. After completion of the music video, we resolve the project by
then utilizing computer programs centered on computer graphics and layout. When all is said and done, the students end up
with a packaged music video.
I have been through this process many times
The professional who need to be recognized for allowing this program to be successful are:
Rubin - Recording Engineer, Owner of Whitneyville Recording
Mark Palonia - Video editor, Dept. Head of Communications @ M.U.
Charles James - Poet
Nick Ippoliti - singer/songwriter & Aesthetic Education Specialist
In September of 2000, I began an educational project which targets at-risk students, using the process of creativity
and the aesthetic experience to help re-establish a positive outlook on educational experiences. I have completed one such
project and I am currently working with 13 boys from an alternative home.
Many philosophers have argued that aesthetics takes place in the art object, or perhaps in the perciever. This study
argues the relevence of the process involved in creativity as the cornerstone of aesthetics. I argue that creativity is a
distinct cognitive funtion of the brain, a domain that can be studied, nurtured and developed in students through alternative
educational resources. MP3s of the students work will be available soon. Below you can download my case study.
click here to download file
Below you will find two mp3 files. Each file contains the work of students age 13-17. They chose the music bed, which
I edited, and wrote lyrics as collaborative effort for the first song, " Concern". The second song used several
samples from Tom Waits' "Get Behind the Mule" in which two students 'freestyled' lyrics. The second song I titled, " Mama".
The students involved with these songs gave their permission for me to use this project on my website, however, their identities
remain private. The recording was accomplished with the help of Whitneyville Recording. I hope that you can sense the attempt to express. Quanitative research will never be able to capture the success that was
felt by the students in this educational experience. However, subjective, qualitative research highly suggest that
this educational experience for these students far outweigh any attempt made by regular classroom environments. Why?
The students you will hear are students recieving an education while stipulated in a youth home. Fortunately, teachers
like Rob Kathcart, have an open mind and a sincere desire to work with professionals in an educational setting to
better a students reasoning capabilities. Aesthetics is the reasoning of the real world in a subjective yet rational
way...creativity. Creativity and expressionism are as much a domain of our brains as mathematical reasoning, critical thinking,
a domain that can be studied, developed and evaluated. Let me put you to the test. These students came up with all you are
about to hear, yes guided by teachers, but for the most part they did it all. How do you rate them? Listen!!!
Concern MP3
Mama MP3